Wednesday 3 September 2008

A New Biopesticide For The Organic Food Boom

�With the boom in consumption of organic foods creating a pressing need for natural insecticides and herbicides that can be used on crops certified as "organic," biopesticide pioneer Pam G. Marrone, Ph.D., is coverage development of a new "green" pesticide obtained from an pull up of the giant knotweed in a report presented at the 236th national meeting of the American Chemical Society.

That 12-foot-high Goliath, named for the jointed swollen nodes on its stem, invaded the U.S. from Japan years ago and grows along the East Coast and early areas. "The product is safe to humans, animals, and the environment," says Marrone, flop and CEO of Marrone Organic Innovations Inc., in Davis, Calif.

The new biopesticide has active compounds that alert establish defenses to combat a range of diseases, including powdery mold, gray mould and bacterial blight that affect fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals. The product will be usable this October for conventional growers, according to Marja Koivunen, Ph.D., director of research and development for Marrone Organic Innovations. A new conceptualisation has as well been developed for organic farmers and will be available in 2009.

In one of the presentations by Marrone Organic Innovations (MOI), the progress toward discovery of an "organic Roundup" - the Holy Grail of biopesticide research - an environmentally friendly and natural adaptation of the world's most widely secondhand herbicide was discussed.

Biopesticides ar derived from plants, microbes, or other natural materials and are proven to be safer for human race and the environment. The active component in one of the company's first products, GreenMatch EX, came from lemongrass oil, and microorganisms from around the world ar studied in the search for novel and effective natural pesticides. Currently, the MOI R&D team is working on an organic rice herbicide based on an draw out from a marine micro-organism, as well as on insecticides and nematocides to kill louse pests and soil-inhabiting, parasitical roundworms that affect plants and animals.

Although sales of synthetic pesticides dominate the $30 trillion pesticide mart, the use of biopesticides is increasing. Officials from MOI estimate that orbicular sales will hit $1 billion by 2010 and grow 10 percent a year on average. Biopesticides could make up 4.25 per centum of the global pesticide business in 2010, up from 2.5 per centum in 2005. As they become more popular, celluloid pesticides are expected to shrink by 1.5 percent each year over the like period.

What accounts for the changing numbers? Public awareness, Koivunen said. "I think the time is right, there's more than demand," she said. "People are becoming more aware of the negative personal effects of conventional pesticides. At the same time, growers are more willing to switch. They have more choices and incentive compared to 10 years ago."

All organic farmers must suffer markets for their nutrient - markets that might not have been available to them a x ago, Koivunen said. Why are people switching to organic solid food? "I think there has been enough scientific evidence that there's a difference between, let's say, conventional tomatoes and organic tomatoes in footing of pesticide residues just also improved taste and higher levels of antioxidants," she said.

Koivunen adds that the growing popularity of biopesticides and organic foods is non a trematode worm. In fact, it is part of a often larger development.

"I think it's a combination of the movement of green chemistry, trying to protect the environment and people's thoughts about their own health - maybe not regular their wellness but their kids; and grandkids' health."

John Simpson

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Charmayne Marsh

Michael Bernstein
American Chemical Society

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